Record Cold Persists In Eastern Australia; Arctic Sea Ice Extent: No Cause For Alarm; Solar Max Reached?; Cold Deaths In England Far Outstrip Heat Deaths; + $78 Trillion To Fight The ‘Climate Crisis’

Record Cold Persists In Eastern Australia

Continuing the theme of the past few weeks, swaths of Eastern Australia are observing unusually chilly temperatures.

The Sunshine Coast in Queensland experienced an unseasonably low 1.6C (34.9F) on this week (registered at just 3 meters/9.8 feet), marking its coldest reading since 2007. QLD saw its coldest July night since 2019 — the -5.7C (21.7F) at Wellcamp.

Other significant lows include a preliminary reading of -10.1C (13.8F) at Thredbo Village in New South Wales, and the -8.6C (16.5F) at Mount Hotham in Victoria, a temp which rivals the record-tying low of -8.8C (16.2F) set just yesterday.

Arctic Sea Ice Extent: No Cause For Alarm

Recent data on Arctic sea ice extent since 2007 shows a stable pattern, indicating there is no cause for alarm.

The chart below tracks daily sea ice extent, and it reveals a consistent cyclical pattern of growth and retreat each year:

[Tony Heller]

Despite annual fluctuations, the yearly minimum sea ice extent is stable, showing no signs of decline. This stability destroys the narrative of a rapidly shrinking Arctic ice cap and points to no long-term loss of Arctic sea ice.

This unalarming truth will do little to reassure the jittery, coffee-spitting climate-doomsayers among us, though. Their tailored news feed and mainstream propaganda outlets will bar them from seeing it, for one, and even if a chart like this did slip through, it would be blindly and immediately dismissed as mIsInFoRmAtIoN.

Solar Max Reached?

Experienced Oceanic and Atmospheric data analyst David Birch has suggested the Solar Maximum of Cycle 25 could be in, offering the below charts:

Top chart displays OMNI2 daily averages of sunspot numbers from 1960 to date.
The bottom chart zooms in on the period from Dec 2019 to June 2024, with the red dots indicating a double-top.

“We may have already seen Solar Maximum,” Birch writes, “a little earlier [than I expected]”.

Speaking to the cycle itself: while slightly higher than its predecessor, “it is by no means an exceptional cycle,” he continues.

Birch is waiting on the official announcement for confirmation. But it looks possible.

That could be it.

Down we go?

Cold Deaths In England Far Outstrip Heat Deaths

Even official figures reveal the inconvenient reality that cold deaths far outstrip heat deaths.

Since 1988, cold weather has caused over 200,000 deaths in England and Wales, compared to just over 50,000 from heat.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) data reveal that the fear of warmth is misplaced. Even in urban areas, where buildings and roads retain heat, the cold still poses a far greater danger, particularly when thermometers drop below -5C (23F).

A report from Oxford University calls for retrofitting UK buildings to withstand extreme heat. However, the logical focus would be on insulating homes to protect against the cold. Poorly insulated homes not only lead to more deaths in winter but also cause significant energy inefficiency, exacerbating the problem for poorer and older residents in particular.

Cold is and always will be the biggest killer, globally, but tax payer money is being wasted on absurd schemes sold as planet coolers, schemes which are in actual fact 1) wholly unnecessary (in fact, demonstrably dangerous), and 2) merely another excuse to funnel money ‘up’ (to service spiraling national debt for one thing).

[Bjorn Lomborg]

$78 Trillion To Fight The ‘Climate Crisis’

President Joe Biden’s administration is proposing a massive $78 trillion budget to combat climate change by supporting the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda.

This substantial figure was disclosed by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen during a speech in Belem, Brazil, on Saturday. Yellen stated that taxpayers would need to contribute $78 trillion by 2050 to facilitate a global transition to a low-carbon economy.

To meet the WEF’s “Net Zero” goals, Yellen emphasized the need for $3 trillion in annual global financing, affirming that achieving said goals is a priority for the Biden administration. She also committed to using American tax dollars to support green initiatives in developing countries by channeling funds through multilateral development banks.

The $78 trillion will come from “many sources,” so claims Yellen. Like US taxpayers, for one.

Assigning the cost as a Percentage of Global GDP (as per — graph below), America’s share would be a mere $20.51 Trillion, or $789 billion per year, with the EU, China, Japan, India and the UK footing the majority of the rest.

When Yellen says “many sources” what she means is ‘many tax payers located in different countries’.

  • US: $78T * 0.263 = $20.51T
  • EU: $78T * 0.173 = $13.49T
  • China: $78T * 0.169 = $13.18T
  • Japan: $78T * 0.038 = $2.96T
  • India: $78T * 0.038 = $2.81T
  • UK: $78T * 0.032 = $2.50T
  • Rest of World: $22.55T

If you think this $78 Trillion will actually finance many wind and solar farms then you clearly weren’t paying attention during COVID-19. Back then, and as it will again during this revamped crisis they call cLiMaTe, the cash defied gravity and rose on up into the coffers of the elites, amounting to a upside down wealth redistribution, a process Professor William Happer aptly calls “the inverse of Robin Hood’s strategy“.

The “Net Zero” initiative, supported by the United Nations (and the WEF), outlines absurd environmental targets that, to put it politely, are unrealistic fantasies that will drive economies to their knees.

Worst still, this suicidal foot-shooting is being decided by an unelected corporatocratic elite. We have no say. Not at the ballot box, at least…

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